Lane Splitter for iPhone
8:14 PM // 0 nhận xét // Google Social // Category: Android , Apps , Games , Iphone // Lane Splitter is a fun distance game that challenges you to weave through traffic at high speed on a motorcycle. The graphics are crystal-clear on the iPhone 4, with well-detailed cars and interesting scenery as you blow by on your motorcycle. The idea is that you're late to your wedding, and you must speed through traffic wearing your tux in order to make it on time. The game uses the iPhone accelerometer for steering and touching the screen gives you a burst of speed that results in a wheelie and less control--perfect for getting out of the way when cars merge into your lane, as long as you're careful.Lane Splitter starts out fairly easy, with only a few cars to avoid that mostly stay in their lanes. As you progress, the game gets faster and you'll see more cars signaling lane changes, forcing you to act quickly to keep going. Later in the game, you'll encounter traffic jams and get bonus points for slipping between cars (lane splitting). We were able to get quite far after only a few tries, but a look at the leaderboards (accessed within the game) told us we have a long way to go to compete with the greats.
Overall, with smooth, good-looking graphics, excellent accelerometer controls, and changing traffic conditions as you race, Lane Splitter makes for a fun time-waster.
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